female fat-loss

Women's Health & Fertility Nutrition Specialist: Evelyn Kennedy

In this episode, Evelyn Kennedy chats to us about how she helps women going through IVF improve their chances of conception by building healthy habits around nutrition.

As a Women's Health & Nutrition Specialist, Evelyn provides valuable insights into this rewarding process and general advice for anyone who struggles with nutrition and fitness.

Listen via the player below or on Spotify by Clicking Here

"My-Cro" Wins: My's PPS Story

Do you get intimated by the people achieving huge results in the gym?

20-50kg weight-loss journies...

Deadlifting 2-3 x their bodyweight...

They are incredible achievements but can lead to others feeling like they aren't good enough to join a gym or overshadowing others who think their achievements are perceived as small but are significant to them.

My Dang joins us on the PPS Podcast to share her PPS Story and remind us to celebrate our 'Micro Wins' in the gym. Not everyone is out to achieve these massive numbers we see on social media. Some are just looking to feel comfortable in their skin or feel like they are finally consistent and belong in a gym for the first time in their lives.

A lesson that has pushed her along on her PPS journey, 3 years and 385 workouts later, after thinking she would never again join a gym after an off-putting initial experience with another trainer at a commercial gym.

Listen to My’s PPS Story on the Player below or find us on Spotify by clicking here:

Why "Maintenance" is still a sign of progress in the Gym

Are you constantly chasing goals and continued progress in the Gym?

But has there been times your Strength & Body Composition has just stayed the same and been disheartened by this?

As unsexy as it sounds, sometimes "Maintenance" can be the best outcome you can hope for, depending on the circumstances.

We, unfortunately, can't always be at our peak...

Especially if we are suddenly faced with barriers and obstacles we previously never had to worry about.

But if we can at least maintain or stay within reach of our peak, it may not be your typical forward progress, but it's a lot better than going backwards, right!?

In this PPS Podcast Episode, we discuss why "Maintenance" goals are important in the Gym and when these phases are still signs of good progress.

Click the Player below to listen:

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"The Unsexy Truth" with Coach Dylan

There's nothing 'Unsexy' about Coach Dylan...

But he does give a lot of what would be considered 'Unsexy' advice...


Because, in a fitness world full of instant gratification, shiny objects, magic pills & fad diets, he likes to keep it real.

In this episode, we chat with Dylan and hear his story of how he got into the gym as an overweight teen, left his secure job to chase his dreams as a Coach, and we learn his most valuable tips for a successful Body Transformation.

To hear Dylan's Unsexy but Honest advice, click the player below to listen to the PPS Podcast:

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Episode #008: "Too Bulky" - Aoife's PPS Story

In this weeks episode we chat to Aoife about her 4-year journey at PPS.

Aoife came to PPS, to learn how to lift weights to help gain muscle definition - despite the social pressure’s that females shouldn’t get ‘too bulky’.

After coming from a cardio background in commercial gyms, Aoife learned to love strength-training and the support of the woman she lifted with at PPS. After paticipating in her first photoshoot, she grew in confidence and was proud of the body she had created, despite the pressures many woman in the gym feel - to look a certain way.

We discuss her journey, the up’s, the down’s and how she’s grown as a person along the way.


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Stronger Than This

After joining PPS to meet new people and 'build a booty' Chantelle was only 7-months into her training when disaster struck.

At only 28 years old; A blood clot (DVT) had formed in her leg and she was unknowingly going about ger normal business for over a week, while operating on only one lung. She collapsed in the shower when her body finally had enough. After being rushed to the hospital, she was put in an induced coma and went through open heart surgey to remove 27 blood clots from her lungs.

That's just the beginning of this amazing story. What's most inspiring is what Chantelle achieved in the first 12-months since surviving this trauma.

"Stronger Than This" is the quote she used to drive her to recover faster than expected, return to the gym faster than she was told to and achieve more than anyone expected. She wasn’t on a mission just to heal and get back to where she was - she was on a mission to be better and prove that nothing can stop her.


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