
"For the Wife & Kids" - Fitness & Fatherhood: Mark's PPS Story

Mark shares how the day he couldn't tie his laces was when he decided he needed to regain control of his health & fitness, if not for his wellbeing, but for his wife and young family.

Mark has since become a leader in many areas of his life: at his local sports club, at home, at work and in the PPS Community.

Going from someone who wouldn't usually feel comfortable in a gym to completing over 600 x workouts in his 4-year tenure at PPS.

It hasn't been a smooth journey, and it started rocky. But with a strong "Why" to use as an ongoing source of motivation, Mark has busted through barriers, learned a lot of lessons and become a better role-model & leader through health & fitness.

Listen to Mark’s PPS Story via the Player below or on Spotify by Clicking Here

Women's Health & Fertility Nutrition Specialist: Evelyn Kennedy

In this episode, Evelyn Kennedy chats to us about how she helps women going through IVF improve their chances of conception by building healthy habits around nutrition.

As a Women's Health & Nutrition Specialist, Evelyn provides valuable insights into this rewarding process and general advice for anyone who struggles with nutrition and fitness.

Listen via the player below or on Spotify by Clicking Here

The Open Book: Christian's PPS Story

Standing at 6 foot 6 inches tall, Christian has been many different bodyweights and body types. Each has been reflective of his mental & emotional state at the time. So have the methods he has used to achieve these different weights.

He’s been as low as unhealthy 66kg and as high as 130kg.

He has undereaten, over-exercised, and overeaten while not exercising.

But this is more of a story about Christian’s struggles with his self-esteem, mental health & depression. How this has impacted his mindset around his body image, and ultimately how he has overcome all of these struggles to become the Coach and Person he is today.

Listen to Christian’s fantastic display of vulnerability on the PPS Podcast via the player below, or you can listen on Spotify by clicking here.

"My-Cro" Wins: My's PPS Story

Do you get intimated by the people achieving huge results in the gym?

20-50kg weight-loss journies...

Deadlifting 2-3 x their bodyweight...

They are incredible achievements but can lead to others feeling like they aren't good enough to join a gym or overshadowing others who think their achievements are perceived as small but are significant to them.

My Dang joins us on the PPS Podcast to share her PPS Story and remind us to celebrate our 'Micro Wins' in the gym. Not everyone is out to achieve these massive numbers we see on social media. Some are just looking to feel comfortable in their skin or feel like they are finally consistent and belong in a gym for the first time in their lives.

A lesson that has pushed her along on her PPS journey, 3 years and 385 workouts later, after thinking she would never again join a gym after an off-putting initial experience with another trainer at a commercial gym.

Listen to My’s PPS Story on the Player below or find us on Spotify by clicking here:

Dan's People of PPS Story

Dan describes himself as the opposite of a gym person growing up. And a 'Skinny Fat' guy who would be the last to get picked for sports teams at school.

Fast forward to today, and Dan can now see himself as an athlete on the Powerlifting platform where he can Squat & Deadlift 3 x his body weight.

Although, it was a slow start, and he could barely bench-press a 3kg dumbbell on his first day in the gym. He now bench-presses close to 100kg and has the confidence to go to the beach and take his top off finally.

We hear Dan's story and his thoughts as he is less than 12-Weeks out from his biggest Powerlifting Competition to date.

Another of many steps out of his comfort zone that have shaped who he now is today.

This is Dan's PPS Story

Listen via the player below or you can also listen on Spotify
by Clicking Here

Brooke's People of PPS Story

After trying every unsustainable method in the book (including smoking a packet of cigarettes per day) to lose weight, Brooke eventually came to PPS to try things the old fashioned way.

In only 12 months, she had won our "Transformation of the Year" award. is the strongest version of herself and is eating more food than ever.

She is also now studying both Remedial Massage & Personal-Training as well as joining the PPS Team as a Client Success Manager.

She's achieved so much in a very short amount of time and this is her People of PPS Story:

The Path of Least Resistance - Rob's PPS Story

PPS Client Rob joins us on the PPS Podcast to share his insights after a 12-Week Transformation where he lost 10kg AND 9% Body-Fat.

Rob has an interest in Behaviour Psychology and wanted to help give others an understanding of how important mindset and mental fortitude is when it comes to Transforming your Body.

It's great to understand a fellow client's POV of what it takes to achieve these types of results, and hopefully, it helps inspire others like Rob, who have tried for a long time to see Results, to bust those barriers, and achieve their goals in the gym.

How To Find The Right Coach For You

What makes a Good Coach?

Is there a one size fits all approach to finding the right Coach for you?

In this episode, we chat with Coach Dylan and discuss what makes a Good Coach and how to find the right Coach for you.

Dylan is an advocate for always having a Coach to help you with your goals in the Gym. As a Coach, he uses a Coach himself and has had both positive and negative experiences.

A great Coach can help accelerate your progress in the gym. A poor experience with a Coach can leave a sour taste in your mouth or put you off trying to achieve your body composition goals.

We tap into his wisdom to learn what to look for when searching for your ideal Coach.

Keep it Simple - George's PPS Story

'From Athlete to Coach' - Before becoming a Coach at PPS, George was an experienced gym-goer, a competitive sports model holding his pro card and a powerlifter who Deadlifts over 3.5 x his bodyweight.

In this Podcast episode, he shares his story and all the lessons he has learned along the way that he can now apply to help others in the gym.

He shares his advice around:

  • Kickstarting your progress when first joining a gym

  • Overcoming a lack of 'Motivation' in the gym

  • Why the basics work best even when taking your results to the next level

Tune in via the player below or Click Here to Listen on Spotify

My No BS* Approach to Body Composition - Shannon's PPS Story

Coach Shannon shares how she would eat only a quarter of sweet-potato per day and walk on a treadmill to lose weight. Then, she would feel guilty if she ate anything that wasn't on her plan. Now she enjoys lifting heavy weights and eats a whole pizza guilt-free to maintain her body composition.

Her prior struggles with binge eating and overexercising have led to her being passionate about helping other women in a similar situation and cutting through all the misinformation and BS* that plagues the fitness industry.

If you:

  • Feel guilty after eating too many carbs

  • See exercise as a tool to earn more food

  • And are obsessed with the number on the scales

Then this is the episode for you.

Click the Player below to Listen or Click HERE to find us on Spotify

Growth Requires Change - AJ's PPS Story

Coach AJ joins his story on the PPS Podcast this week.

AJ started his fitness journey after growing up with anxiety and using food for comfort. This led to him being overweight and lacking self-confidence. He has now been coaching others to achieve their health and body composition goals for almost 3-years and is passionate about seeing others succeed.

In this episode, he shares his lessons and tips for anyone who wants to break out of their comfort zone and transform their body & mind in the gym.



Disordered Eating & Body-Image Issues by Emma Kwok

Are you someone who :

  • can get obsessed with they weight on the scales?

  • follows unsustainable low-calorie diets?

  • or struggles with binge eating?

Emma Kwok is a PPS Member and Dietitian and joins us on the PPS Podcast to discuss how she helps women overcome 'Disordered Eating and Body Image Issues'.

We discuss her own struggles in her late teens, why she became a dietitian and why she is so passionate about helping overcome these common problems.

Click the Player below to listen or Subscribe to the PPS Podcast on Spotify:

The Importance of Self Reflection

If you have body composition and strength goals in the gym, it is important to practise self-reflection regularly:

Self Reflection can help to bring awareness to:

  • Your progress when you are feeling deflated

  • Your goals when you are feeling bored or distracted

  • Your barriers when you lose sight of what's holding you back

If you are someone who is frustrated at not being able to achieve their goals in the gym, gets demotivated by a perceived lack of progress or even constantly changes goals because they forget their "Why" 

Then you can learn more about the importance of Self Reflection in this weeks PPS Podcast Episode.

Click the Player Below to listen to or search the PPS Podcast on Spotify.

Breaking Your Own Limiting Self-Beliefs

Do your own limiting self-beliefs hold you back in the gym?

Do you suffer from fear of failure or have to overcome your own crippling self-doubts?

In this PPS Podcast episode, I share a story of how one of my clients lost 12KG at PPS by simply believing she could.

She overcame her own self-beliefs and stopped looking for reasons why "she couldn't" and finally saw results in the gym.

We all struggle with beliefs that we have learned from our own experiences in life and these beliefs can be broken, if we choose to confront and challenge them.

Your beliefs around the gym, body composition and fitness are no different.

If you think "The Gym Isn't For You", "You aren't capable of setting and achieving Goals" or "Diets don't work for you", then this is the episode for you.

Click the Player Below to Listen or Subscribe to the PPS Podcast on Spotify:

Personal Trainer Podcast Perth

Why "Maintenance" is still a sign of progress in the Gym

Are you constantly chasing goals and continued progress in the Gym?

But has there been times your Strength & Body Composition has just stayed the same and been disheartened by this?

As unsexy as it sounds, sometimes "Maintenance" can be the best outcome you can hope for, depending on the circumstances.

We, unfortunately, can't always be at our peak...

Especially if we are suddenly faced with barriers and obstacles we previously never had to worry about.

But if we can at least maintain or stay within reach of our peak, it may not be your typical forward progress, but it's a lot better than going backwards, right!?

In this PPS Podcast Episode, we discuss why "Maintenance" goals are important in the Gym and when these phases are still signs of good progress.

Click the Player below to listen:

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