"Measure it, Manage it" Isaac's PPS Story

Coach Isaac joins us on the People of Podcast this week. Isaac shares with us how he joined the gym at only 12-years old. He used the gym to help distract him from the stress and anxiety caused by his parents ending their relationship at the time.

What started as a coping mechanism soon turned into a passion, and by 17-Years old, Isaac was studying to be a Personal-Trainer, having been inspired by how his Coach would make him feel.

Fast forward 5-years and Isaac is still only 22 but has now amassed 10-years of gym experience and helped change many people's lives inside and outside the gym.

Tune in as he shares his wealth of knowledge with us and all the lessons he has learned on the journey that has shaped him into the leader he is today.

Click the Player Below to Listen or Click HERE to listen on Spotify:

Disordered Eating & Body-Image Issues by Emma Kwok

Are you someone who :

  • can get obsessed with they weight on the scales?

  • follows unsustainable low-calorie diets?

  • or struggles with binge eating?

Emma Kwok is a PPS Member and Dietitian and joins us on the PPS Podcast to discuss how she helps women overcome 'Disordered Eating and Body Image Issues'.

We discuss her own struggles in her late teens, why she became a dietitian and why she is so passionate about helping overcome these common problems.

Click the Player below to listen or Subscribe to the PPS Podcast on Spotify:

The Importance of Self Reflection

If you have body composition and strength goals in the gym, it is important to practise self-reflection regularly:

Self Reflection can help to bring awareness to:

  • Your progress when you are feeling deflated

  • Your goals when you are feeling bored or distracted

  • Your barriers when you lose sight of what's holding you back

If you are someone who is frustrated at not being able to achieve their goals in the gym, gets demotivated by a perceived lack of progress or even constantly changes goals because they forget their "Why" 

Then you can learn more about the importance of Self Reflection in this weeks PPS Podcast Episode.

Click the Player Below to listen to or search the PPS Podcast on Spotify.

Breaking Your Own Limiting Self-Beliefs

Do your own limiting self-beliefs hold you back in the gym?

Do you suffer from fear of failure or have to overcome your own crippling self-doubts?

In this PPS Podcast episode, I share a story of how one of my clients lost 12KG at PPS by simply believing she could.

She overcame her own self-beliefs and stopped looking for reasons why "she couldn't" and finally saw results in the gym.

We all struggle with beliefs that we have learned from our own experiences in life and these beliefs can be broken, if we choose to confront and challenge them.

Your beliefs around the gym, body composition and fitness are no different.

If you think "The Gym Isn't For You", "You aren't capable of setting and achieving Goals" or "Diets don't work for you", then this is the episode for you.

Click the Player Below to Listen or Subscribe to the PPS Podcast on Spotify:

Personal Trainer Podcast Perth

Why "Maintenance" is still a sign of progress in the Gym

Are you constantly chasing goals and continued progress in the Gym?

But has there been times your Strength & Body Composition has just stayed the same and been disheartened by this?

As unsexy as it sounds, sometimes "Maintenance" can be the best outcome you can hope for, depending on the circumstances.

We, unfortunately, can't always be at our peak...

Especially if we are suddenly faced with barriers and obstacles we previously never had to worry about.

But if we can at least maintain or stay within reach of our peak, it may not be your typical forward progress, but it's a lot better than going backwards, right!?

In this PPS Podcast Episode, we discuss why "Maintenance" goals are important in the Gym and when these phases are still signs of good progress.

Click the Player below to listen:

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"The Unsexy Truth" with Coach Dylan

There's nothing 'Unsexy' about Coach Dylan...

But he does give a lot of what would be considered 'Unsexy' advice...


Because, in a fitness world full of instant gratification, shiny objects, magic pills & fad diets, he likes to keep it real.

In this episode, we chat with Dylan and hear his story of how he got into the gym as an overweight teen, left his secure job to chase his dreams as a Coach, and we learn his most valuable tips for a successful Body Transformation.

To hear Dylan's Unsexy but Honest advice, click the player below to listen to the PPS Podcast:

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The Importance of a Strong Foundation

What does your dream house and your goal body composition have in common?

Both need to be built on top of a strong foundation if they are going to stand the test of time…

In this episode, I discuss the importance of a strong foundation when transforming your body in the gym and why one of the biggest mistakes I ever made in the gym was not spending enough time working on my foundations.


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Habit Mastery with Coach Tomlin

In this episode, special guest Coach Luke (BSC) teaches us the science behind mastering your habits so you can see results that last in the gym.

Luke is extremely passionate about habit building. He explains how this is the cornerstone of building a healthier lifestyle and where many people fail when it comes to healthy habit building.

If you struggle with goal-setting, building new habits or seeing sustainable changes in your lifestyle, this is the episode for you:


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Alexis's PPS Story: How Powerlifting can help Women feel more Comfortable in their own skin

In this episode, Alexis shares her PPS Story. Alexis is a busy mum, wife and Competitive Powerlifter.

Alexis has learned to embrace strength-training as a Women and has not been influenced by the stigma of 'weight lifting, making her too bulky.'

As a naturally more muscular woman, Alexis has used Powerlifting as a tool to help her embrace her body and feel more comfortable in her skin.

She also shares the other lessons she has learned on her Powerlifting journey, including how to deal with failure, the power of surrounding yourself with other like-minded people and the dangers of self-comparison in the gym.

This Podcast is an excellent episode for aspiring female lifters who deal with similar struggles to Alexis in the gym.


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Remember WHY You Started

In this special PPS Podcast episode, I share a very personal story about the time I almost gave up on my PPS dream before it had even started.

After becoming a PT to help people, I was under pressure financially and personally. This pressure was getting the better of me, and I almost threw in the towel.

But in the end, this was part of my journey and a phase I had to through to learn to remember my 'Why'; adding even more purpose to my journey while giving me the push I needed to go on and start PPS and growing it to where it is today.

There are many significant lessons in this episode for everyone on their journeys who struggle with self-doubt and feel like giving up.


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Malcolm's PPS Story: When Life Punches You in the Face

Coach Malcolm shares his story about how life literally punched him in the face, which kickstarted a chain of events leading to him becoming the Man and Coach he is today.

This Podcast is a great story and lesson for all of us about turning a negative situation into a positive and how we can find wins and lessons in everything that happens to us in life.


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How to have "Balance" and still see Amazing Results in the Gym

Do you struggle with "Balance" while trying to see results in the gym?

Some people can only see amazing results by going 'all-in' and making huge sacrifices...

Eventually burning-out and struggling to maintain these results.

Others struggle to make let go of any old habits while trying to transform their body, which leads to a lack of results, and an eventual loss of motivation.

While there are a small few, who are just content with seeing slower progress, while still living what they would call a 'balanced lifestyle'.

Which one of these three people are you?

Does "Balance" truly even exist in the health & fitness world?

In this episode, we discuss "Balance"; can you have "Balance" and still achieve your fitness goals, and I discuss how I found my "Balance" in fitness, life & business.

Click the player below to listen and find out more on the PPS Podcast:

Or Listen on Spotify by Clicking Here: Listen on Spotify


The Process vs the Outcome: Why your S.M.A.R.T. Goals fail in the Gym

Have you ever set a time-based goal such as a Photoshoot, Holiday, or Wedding and achieved remarkable results in the gym, but they didn't last?

Or have you found yourself setting big hairy audacious fitness goals in 2021 but taken zero action to help achieve them?

Setting SMART Goals is simply part of the process, but this goal-setting process is flawed.

In this episode, we discuss setting SMART goals in the gym alone won't work for you and why.

We also teach you how to truly take action on your fitness goals in the gym and what you need to do to achieve results that stop people you've known your whole life in their tracks...

Commenting on not only the physical changes you have made but the person you have become along the way.



How to have Confidence when Setting Goals in the Gym

“Uber asks for your destination before they pick you up."

Are you training in the gym without goals to work toward? Do you have goals but not the confidence to seriously think you can achieve them?

In the first episode of the new and improved PPS Podcast, I take you through my regular process for helping people to:

1) Get Clear on WHAT they want

2) HOW to achieve these goals

3) and WHY it’s important to them

So they can take their performance to the next level inside and outside the gym and achieve what they really want (but are too shy to admit it).

Even when they lack motivation or “cbf”.

Jump on board and give it a lesson before you finalize your goals at PPS in 2021 and learn why you may not be achieving what you really want!



Episode #008: "Too Bulky" - Aoife's PPS Story

In this weeks episode we chat to Aoife about her 4-year journey at PPS.

Aoife came to PPS, to learn how to lift weights to help gain muscle definition - despite the social pressure’s that females shouldn’t get ‘too bulky’.

After coming from a cardio background in commercial gyms, Aoife learned to love strength-training and the support of the woman she lifted with at PPS. After paticipating in her first photoshoot, she grew in confidence and was proud of the body she had created, despite the pressures many woman in the gym feel - to look a certain way.

We discuss her journey, the up’s, the down’s and how she’s grown as a person along the way.


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Episode #007: The Year of 'YES' with Dan Emmelhainz

in 2018 Dan committed to saying 'Yes' to more opportunities.

As a naturally shy and reserved guy who would normally avoid uncomfortable situations, this pushed his comfort zone. Part of him saying 'Yes' more, was to join PPS after being referred by a friend. Although it took him 9-months to build up the courage to commit, it would prove to be a life changing decision.

Two and half years and over 450 logged workouts later, Dan has achieved it all and pushed himself well beyond his comfort zone. He’s grown to become a leader and a role-model amongst the members of our community who were once in his shy and reserved shoes.

But beyond the photoshoots, bodybuilding shows and powerlifting competitions, we have seen him become a more outgoing and social person. Saying 'Yes' to more opportunities to meet new people and make lifelong connections at PPS has been, as he describes - the most rewarding part of his journey.

Dan is a true example of what you can achieve by saying ‘Yes’ more and allowing yourself to be taken beyond your comfort zone, which is where growth occurs.

Click the Player to below to listen to his PPS Story:


PPS 4th Birthday Podcast Special Edition

Johnny, Aaron and Jatz reminisce and reflect back on some of their favourite PPS memories; as we celebrate our 4 years of training and changing lives at Physique Performance Specialists.

Take a trip down memory lane for us in this very special episode and learn more about the deep enriched community based culture that makes PPS more than just a gym.

Listen using the player below or on Spotify

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Breaking Limiting Self-Beliefs with Coach Luke

Coach Luke shares his PPS story and describes how he used his passion for strength-training to learn how to cope with A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder)

After failing his first year at University due to his learning difficulties, he was eventually able to use what he had learned in the gym to learn how to enhance his focus and attention. Although he had told himself he was a failure and was never going to be good in the classroom, he was able to go back to University and finish at the top of the class after breaking his own limiting self-beliefs.

This is his PPS Story:


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Emptying The Trash with Hemi Chase

We get deep and peel the back the layers on Coach Hemi Chase.

Big and tough on the outside but with a nice soft interior - he proves that not all Personal-Trainers are 'muscly meat-heads' with no depth.

We discuss his background; growing up in a small NZL town of 500 people and being taught not to express his emotions or show softness like many young Maori growing up in New Zealand.

He's now an advocate for Men's mental and emotional health and wants to break those old stigmas that Men have to be 'Staunch', teaching others it's ok to talk and let it all out.

Hemi learned the power of helping others from a young age when he would take bullied kids under his wing and he continues to help others through Coaching and an exciting new project he has coming up called "Hiking Deep".

This episode will help you learn a lot about yourself and what it takes to break your own limiting self-beliefs.


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Stronger Than This

After joining PPS to meet new people and 'build a booty' Chantelle was only 7-months into her training when disaster struck.

At only 28 years old; A blood clot (DVT) had formed in her leg and she was unknowingly going about ger normal business for over a week, while operating on only one lung. She collapsed in the shower when her body finally had enough. After being rushed to the hospital, she was put in an induced coma and went through open heart surgey to remove 27 blood clots from her lungs.

That's just the beginning of this amazing story. What's most inspiring is what Chantelle achieved in the first 12-months since surviving this trauma.

"Stronger Than This" is the quote she used to drive her to recover faster than expected, return to the gym faster than she was told to and achieve more than anyone expected. She wasn’t on a mission just to heal and get back to where she was - she was on a mission to be better and prove that nothing can stop her.


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