Weight Training

What Are The Benefits of Online Coaching?

The Online Coaching space has snowballed in the post-COVID era.
Over the past eight years, PPS has mainly delivered an in-person coaching experience within our private gyms.

But as body composition experts who have always provided personalised programming, nutrition and accountability for our clients, we can utilise these skills online and help people get ‘PPS results without training in a PPS Gym’.

But what are the benefits of Online Coaching, and why would you decide to train online with a coach instead of in person or in a group?


If you don’t need as much in-person guidance from a personal trainer but still want direction and accountability, online coaching is a more affordable solution.

However, online coaching does mean you have to be more self-accountable in the gym. When you commit to face-to-face personal training, having appointments booked with a trainer makes it easier to be consistent in the gym.

But if you can be consistent without these appointments and are comfortable training on your own while following a program from your online coach, you’ll benefit from the affordability of online coaching vs personal training.


Online coaching allows you to train on your own time at a pace that suits you. It is the ideal solution for people whose schedules don’t allow them to commit to regular personal training sessions on set days and times where you risk paying for sessions you don’t attend.

There is also an added sense of independence: You won’t feel reliant on a personal trainer for the rest of your life to achieve your strength and body composition goals.

We aim to get our clients as autonomous as possible as that is how they sustain their results, which is the ideal outcome at PPS.


Lastly, if you can follow an online coaching program, you can still train and maintain your results from anywhere in the world.

Instead of relying on a personal trainer where you won’t train while they are away or you are on holiday. Or if you move out of the area from your regular trainer and don’t want to try and find a new one that knows you as well as your trainer does.

With more access to premium-level coaching online, you can train with PPS from anywhere in the world and benefit from the same famous results as our clients. (Without the premium level price tag).

Is Online Coaching for you? Click the Button below to learn more about Online Coaching.

Top #5 Training Tips For Busy Professionals

Top #5 Training Tips For Busy Professionals


"You need to be a 'Gym Junkie' and train 5 - 6 x days per week for 2 - 3 hours to see strength & body composition results in the gym..."

"I don't have time for that, so why bother!?"


Think Quality over Quantity

It is not about how often or how long you train.

It is about the quality of your training sessions.

You can get stronger and transform your body by training only 3 x per week if you train with the right intensity.

How To Combat Boredom When Strength-Training From Home

Are you getting bored and losing motivation while lifting from home?

While training at home, you can only do so many 3 x sets x 10 of the same weight for the same movement before you start to get bored and lose motivation.

To prevent this from happening and to help keep your training spicy, try these 3 x challenging resistance training methods that don’t need much weight but provide massive amounts of muscle stimulation.

How to Conquer Your Nutrition During Lockdown

Have you found it hard to keep your diet in check while working and training from home?

If the answer is ‘Absolutely’..

Then you aren’t alone.Sticking to our nutrition was already hard enough before gyms and work places closed across Australia, now the challenge has become even greater…

Letting our diet slip while in isolation will not only have negative effects on our waistline..

If we were to rely on ‘comfort food’ and binge eat…

We would see severe impacts on our mental and emotional health which can be more damaging than the affect on our body composition during these tough times.

The PPS Guide To Staying Motivated While Training From Home

At-home and Online training may have it’s limitations in the long-term, especially if training on your own, it’ll be understandable to start lacking motivation once winter hits and the original hype of training at home wears off.

To help you stay fit, healthy and mentally strong during the lockdown period, we have our Top #3 tips for staying motivated when training at home in isolation: